Come Home to Messiah for Easter
We invite you to come home to Messiah this Easter. We will worship together on Sunday, April 20th at 10:15 am, followed by a fellowship coffee hour.
We invite others to join us in worship not just to fill the pews and make us feel good but because we truly believe the experience of encountering Jesus in worship changes lives.
Messiah & LSSI -- Park Ridge Group Home
We're so excited about working with LSSI to create a group home for four beloved children of God right here on our church campus. This project has been on the minds and hearts of Messiah for nearly a decade, and now we're so close! We need your help to transform the home into a safe and comfortable living space. Sign up here for regular updates, more information about the project, and opportunities to volunteer or donate.
Holy Week Schedule
Join us throughout Holy Week for worship opportunities. Maundy Thursday will be right here at Messiah. Good Friday at Redeemer in Park Ridge. And of course Easter Sunday back here at Messiah.
Lent Group Devotional
Each Sunday after worship during Lent, we'll gather to pray, talk, and journey together to the cross. Join us starting Sunday, March 2 @ 11:15 am in the Friendship Place.
Wednesday Soup Suppers and Holden Evening Prayer
This Lent, we'll join Redeemer Church in Park Ridge on Wednesday evenings for their soup supper and Holden Evening Prayer. Dinner @ 6 pm, Worship @ 7 pm. Hope to see you there!
We'll be providing the meal on April 2nd, sign up here to bring a soup or side.